Everyone here demanding a total change in human nature before doing anything.
Thanks god for engineers who are actually doing stuff right now.
German 'greens' forced an abandonment of nuclear power there. Result: extra 36 million tons of CO2 per year and additional 1,100 per year dead through respiratory or cardiovascular disease caused by particulates.
How is this useful? Those nuclear plants had already been built at great cost (and also embedded CO2) and were working without problems.
What part of the word 'emergency' do these 'green' people not understand?
We have seen the worst possible accident with Chernobyl and that was a crappy unstable design without external shielding.
Also current nuclear reactors are old technology, inefficient and wasteful, we would have much better by now if development had been allowed.
Yes, giant offshore windmills are great but there is currently not a solution to the intermitency problem, so we are using gas turbines to fill the holes.
In an emergency you want to wait for one?