I have read your book but I am not sure it will work. The idea being cadres of registered expert voters voting for representatives in areas in which they are experts. But are these registered expert voters any less dupable than the uneducated - I am not sure.
Representative democracy has been around a while and seems to "work" but how?
I think the answer is that there is always an elite, or elites and that these elites jostle for power and hate each other. This is a recipe for violence and chaos but the institutions of democracy allow these inter-elite battles to be sublimated into less violent forms such as legal battles, culture wars etc and of course elections.
Why do the competing elites settle for this rather than fight to the death? Its a form of enlightened self interest where settling for these games allows plenty of opportunities for self aggrandisement without taking the awful risk of total defeat.
This state of affairs is also helped by having an external enemy, if some aliens are about to invade and take everything than this provides additional impetus for the elites of a country to hold things together. The new cold war with China may save US democracy, but maybe at the price of WW3!
Good luck human race, you are going to need it.