I hope so but I would not say that the indications are that good.
Yes, human character is a mixture of innate characteristics and entrainment by society which emphasises or de-emphasises various aspects.
The three things which help a society be peaceful are wealth, similarity and empathy.
Wealth: if people have enough for the good life it doesn't matter if others are richer, but when wealth disparity becomes power disparity and some people have to do multiple jobs in a panopticon gig economy in order to survive they will feel oppressed. With increasing inequality are we going in the right direction?
Similarity: People. of course, vary greatly but society provides various myths about 'who we are' which everyone can identify with. Is this still happening?
Empathy: I think a significant part of empathy training can be found in art, particularly books and movies. In particular those types where an individual (who may be not like us but we can identify with) faces apparently insurmountable odds but struggles, has hopes and set backs. These emotional roller coasters seem to be in decline in books and movies. Often, in modern mass art, the hero or heroine is already powerful and arrogant so the empathic punch is lessened. Also I am not sure that games are providing empathic training.
We are undergoing a huge experiment with the rise of social media and its not clear if its interaction with human nature will be good or bad, certainly some say the bad is being emphasised more but probably this is selective reporting.
In any case we cannot undo the experiment, lets hope for the best.