Suppose I said I knew what had happened in Wuhan because I had slaughtered a goat and read the entrails.
You might question my sanity, of what relevance are these entrails to these events?
But you are doing the same. Of what relevance is any utterance by the orange moron and enablers to the assessment of what happened in Wuhan? None.
Leaving aside arguments about the sequence since we know that both nature and humans can produce surprises we still have the problem of location of the outbreak - strong circumstantial evidence.
Scientists (who have given us so much) are not necessarily kindly patricians, thay can be reckless.
Newton stuck a bodkin in his eye just to see what would happen.
Historically, scientific recklessness has only injured themselves but as science and technology get more powerful there is potential for wider harm.
The answer is to face the facts squarely and formulate sensible policies to allow science to progress and safety not to be (too) compromised.