The most obvious flaw in this article is that you do not have to have a final opinion! You can keep yourself uncertain perhaps leaning one way or the other.
One should always seek expert opinion but sometimes there can be very simple facts that one can apprehend directly.
For example if one imagines oneself in the pre covid-19 world awaiting the next animal spillover pandemic one might consider where the outbreak might be and which pathogen.
The outbreak might start in many places around the world, more likely in a rural tropical setting where local people have much contact with animals.
As regards type of pathogen, yes bat borne coronaviruses are likely but there are others.
So when the outbreak is in a big city with multiple biolabs specialising in bat born coronaviruses one might think "that's a coincidence".
Further study might reveal that accidental releases of dangerous pathogens from biolabs are not so rare and that many scientists consider this danger to be substantial.
Therefore an open mind should be maintained until further evidence becomes available.
Closing ones mind to this possiblility because of fear of the political fallout is simple not scientific.