Why do European countries have Government guaranteed health care etc and the US not? umair's explanation that the white working class never voted for these things because they didn't want a perceived underclass to also get them is credible, but maybe not the only reason.
After WWII Europe was in ruins and the working class was surly are terrifying. Many of them were members of various communist parties.
Therefore the elite released a big basket of peanuts over the continent, giving us these services which persist to this day, generating more social cohesion and a better quality of life.
The MAGAs are also a scary working class movement - are they scary enough to get the elite to release the basket of peanuts?
If so, then improvements can be expected from Biden's government.
If not and the elite believes they can control the situation, then another, more dangerous round of decay and slide into fascism may be next.
So the MAGAs have a role, they have generated the fear that may release the peanuts. But they are also a real threat to democracy.
Things are on a knife edge.