You are playing chess, abiding by the rules. Suddenly your opponent tips over the board and smacks you n the face. 'I won' he says.
Options are:
1. Say No you didn't. Set up the board again and invite your opponent to continue the game (until you get the next smack in the face)
2. Jump up and smack him. The game is now changed to a physical fight.
Problem: in both cases democracy dies.
Both parties must agree to play by the rules for it to live.
There does not seem to be a solution to this problem.
The only batshit crazy idea I can think of is ... more democracy!
Maybe some countrywide referenda on key issues? Concrete things where the results of the referenda can be seen to be implemented.
Revamp the rules so the people have more, not less influence.
Crazy, but democracy is about going over the heads of competing elites and getting the people to decide.
Yes, I know a significant fraction of the population has lost contact with reality.